Culinary: Markets and Street Vendors

Various market and street vendors as  well as sources relating their history and place in New Orleans culture are available. Judy Walker maintains links to all of the currently operating markets via her Farmers Markets in the New Orleans area portal.

“City of Gretna, Louisiana Homepage”, n.d.
“Crescent City Farmers Market – Home”, n.d.
Dorrance, L A. “The Versatile Beignet.” Ralph Brennan’s New Orleans Seafood Blog, April 9, 2008.
“Farmers Markets in the New Orleans Area |”, n.d.
Harpers Weekly Journal of Civilization and Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. Sunday in New Orleans-The French Market, 1866.
Kemp, Jon. “There’s Nothing Quite Like A Creole Tomato.” New Orleans Times-Picayune. New Orleans, LA, June 7, 2007, sec. Vieux Point.
Nossiter, Sharron Stallworth. “Food Supply and Markets in Colonial New Orleans”, n.d.
Nunez, Chandra. “‘Just Like Ole’ Mammy Used to Make’: Reinterpreting New Orleans African-American Praline Vendors as Entrepreneurs”. University of New Orleans, 2011.
“Police Net First Arrest in Drive Against Peddlers.” The Times-Picayune. New Orleans, LA, August 19, 1928.
Reeves, Sally. “ Old French Market”, n.d.
———. “Making Groceries: A History of New Orleans Markets.” Louisiana Cultural Vistas 18, no. 3. Http:// (Fall 2007): 24–35.
Sauder, Robert A. “New Orleans Market History, Crescent City Farmers Market”, n.d.
Sauder, Robert. “The Origin and Spread of the Public Market System in New Orleans.” Louisiana History 22 (1981): 281–297.
“Slidell’s First and Only True Farmers Market”, n.d.
“Welcome to the Covington Farmer’s Market”, n.d.
“Welcome to the German Coast Farmer’s Market”, n.d.

Version: Spring 2012